
Call for Contributions!

The new Society and Protest Workshop is seeking proposals for papers and presentations on the theme of “Violence, Social Movements and Civil Society: the Relationship between Radical and Moderate Elements in Social Change.”

In recent years, we’ve seen radical elements in movements for social change, mainstream movements that are accused of being radical and violent, and radical movements that have become mainstream. How do we understand and analyze radicalism in social movements? What is its relationship to violence? How does it move more broadly? This semester, we’ll explore this theme through six sessions, including panel discussions, papers and presentations.

The Society and Protest Workshop meets virtually on Thursdays from 12:00 to 1:30 pm EST. The available dates for paper and presentations are October 8, 22, and November 5, 19, 2020 (check the Fall 2020 schedule here). 

We invite proposals to share works in progress on this theme through presentations or papers for feedback and critique in advance of submission for publication or dissertations. Presentations should not be more than 25 minutes, with 1 hour available for discussion. Papers not to exceed 8000 words and will be shared the Friday before the session. 

If you are interested in participating, please submit a paragraph abstract as well as your choice of format (paper and presentation) and date. Send to [email protected] by Monday, September 14.

The Society and Protest Workshop is born out of two previous workshops held at the CUNY Graduate Center: the Politics and Protest Workshop and the Civil Society Workshop. Faculty and graduate students involved in both workshops decided to merge their efforts to create a shared space to discuss formal and informal efforts toward social change across disciplines, and with practitioners in NYC and beyond.

If you would like to join the email list about future Society and Protest Workshop events, please write to: [email protected]


The Society and Protest Workshop Committee 

Varnica Arora 

Trang Kelly

John Krinsky 

Jessica Mahlbacher 

Jillian Schwedler 

Nick Smith 

Merrill Sovner 

Anna Zhelnina