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Date TitleSpeaker
February 18 2021Panel Discussion: Responses to PrecarityPanelists:
Prof. Nidhi Srinivas
Kristen Miller
Jacob Rosette
March 11Precarity as Break or as Continuation? Re-centering narratives of precarity in JapanRafael Munia
April 8 Panel Discussion:Confronting Everyday PrecarityPanelists:
Prof. Javier Auyero
Dr. Wilson Sherwin
Omar Sirri
Prof. Jillian Schwedler
May 6Dialogic Opportunities and Poverty-Discourse Fragmentation in the United KingdomRebecca Krisel


Being on the knife’s edge between wellbeing and disaster. 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic may have generalized the feelings of uncertainty that underpin precarity, but the material conditions of precarity—poverty, famine, warfare—did not become generalized so much as spread and unmasked.

The response in civil society to precarity has itself become more uncertain, not only as organizations struggle for resources, but also as organizations struggle to identify what their position is vis-à-vis the political upheaval that may accompany widespread precarity. This is neither the first nor last time civil society organizations have faced or will face precarious conditions for themselves or for their constituents. Indeed, for some, precarity is not an exceptional condition, and may even be an indispensable part of what motivates or sustains their activity. At the same time, the unmasking of structural precarity has also enabled the emergence of new forms of organizing and solidarities, and a (renewed) examination of uncomfortable questions around democracy, equality, and privilege.

The Society and Protest Workshop meets virtually on selected Thursdays from 12:00 to 1:30 pm EST. We follow a mixed format in which some sessions are panel discussions, others paper workshops with a paper distributed in advance, and still others, presentations followed by discussion.

Please send any questions about future Society and Protest Workshop events to: [email protected]